

PROJECT 1 INFOR-GRAPHIC kids disability information 

This project to research and find out different community of kids health disability each student need to select one type .we have 3 group .each group have 4 student .my issue is about Autism kids .this inforgraphic presentation board to understand research subject and discover its culture and life style .
firstly we need to research our subject and understand it .so we need to do a case study about the autism .we went to the huaming autism society to understand their lifestyle.
our group member with president 

huang ming autism society  
Autism affects individual ability to communicate, interact with others, as well as creative thinking.

Autism logo
It means “children are handicapped by a puzzling condition; this isolates them from normal human contact and therefore they do not ‘fit in’.” 
– National Autistic Society, 1963
autism early sings

final presentation board of info graphic 


Art lab is  hands-on art learning space for kids to approach and consider art ,makes art through the interactive experience .it concentrate on the creative,technical ,and practical aspects-of the discipline,acquiring a board-based background in drawing,design,painting,and sculpture.
we need to design a compact art lab .
final outlook

first crit  of design project 2

concept model of transformation of emotion 

mock up 

mock up 

final model 
art lab of paper painting


final presentation board with MDF board 

This project to design a therapy center for disability kids let kids can  relax their mind and body to make them have fun .our building have 2 floor. ground floor for kids learning basic communication, first floor for kids physical training .My  therapy center to design for children with autism 
concept model of transformation of emotion 

mind mapping 

therapy program
facade of the building 

final presentation with MDF board
welcoming area 
sensory wall 
physical training
first floor of scale model 
this project is my first time to use computer to finish all drawing and 3d drawing   ,but not only me  .for all classmates to challenge. when i drew plan in auto-cad. i am almost want to give up .it is so difficult and complicated .but....but finally  i finished all drawing use cad.now i feel so happy because i overcome a lot of problem.and until now still can feel back how tried was i ,even now doing this blog .> _< .

this semester finally end....but to be continued......   and thanks to our lecturer miss Norji help us a lot and always push us to be better and better .... :)   

